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The Entrepreneur’s Covenant

My fellow entrepreneurs – who will save us from ourselves?

This blog is for the type of entrepreneur I’ll call the “crazy entrepreneur.”

We’re the ones that hatch grandiose visions out of nothing. We feel adrenaline-charged bursts of optimism to create new things. We want to build. Develop. Have major impact. We’re the first to get our hands dirty. We love the action. We run companies, non–profits, service businesses, we’re freelancers… and we’re all extremely busy. No matter what we do, our most precious commodity is time. This is what bonds us – we have no time.

And for this reason, many of us are falling apart.

I’m of an even stranger sub-species of the crazy entrepreneur, which we can call the “crazy social entrepreneur.” We are motivated by social change, improving people’s lives and having a positive impact on the planet. We literally will never stop chugging forward when we’re on a mission. Take all the pressure of the crazy entrepreneur and amplify it with the additional responsibility of your social mission. This can be a major source of motivation, with lots of positive karma, but when things get tough, it’s twice as hard because failure is not an option when people are counting on you.

And no matter what kind of entrepreneur you are, we are all burdened by the additional stress of living in a day and age of constantly inflowing information. We are never off the clock.

So, my fellow crazies, who will save us from ourselves?

This is my “crazy entrepreneurs of the world unite” moment.

The survival and strength of our species is vital to the future of the world.

We’re the big problem solvers when everyone else is so entrenched in the mud.

The world needs us. It would be a real shame if we all burn out and self destruct.

Roberto & Mina on photoshoot in Brazil

Eight years ago, with my head 110% in the business, I almost lost my marriage and everything I hold dear. I knew I needed to find a way to do even more with less time, get the business through an economic crisis and still dedicate myself to marriage and family.

In true entrepreneurial fashion, I would not accept defeat. I diligently set forth to prove that you can actually try to do it all. I’ve been testing, re-testing and trying my hardest to succeed with these tools for the past eight years (iterating, so to speak).

And in true social entrepreneurial fashion, I have a burning desire to share what worked for me, in the off chance that my techniques could help others in similar situations.

I’ve organized all of these techniques as the Entrepreneur’s Covenant.

Together we can do this.

Let’s make it happen!